Thursday, January 21, 2010

Turning Tips, And Tricks!

I had you at Hello, I am sure! So I have some catching up to do so hang tight as I am going to throw a lot at you tonight, or should I say this morning. So here we go...

I will start with tips for being a "foody" in Indy!

1. If you you GO they will KNOW your face and more importantly your NAME!!! Yes, I believe in supporting the family with the hole in the wall joint, IF it is clean :). When you walk in the door and they all know your name then you actually DO feel like you belong! So when you go to a place once and love it or even just like it return there! Trust me they will begin to know you and love you!

2. Do not go just for the "deal"!! Yes, we are all in mullah savings mode. I am a huge fan of taking a coupon or going for the deal. However, my rule is simple: if the deal is not what is going to send you home happy and full...ditch the deal!

3. Referring up to #1, if you leave a really crappie tip do NOT return or you will get a different kind of special than referred to in #2!

4. Referring to #3 Do not leave crappie tips! :) Here is why! Yes, you may have crappie and even the worst service EVER but do you seriously know WHY? No, I am not a waitress nor should I ever be one but I have dined out enough to know that just because your food looks pre-chewed and spewed and was a day late in arriving there are many factors in what went wrong. And yes, he/she may be in the worst mood ever but what if their cat of 25+ years just passed on...? My point is this, yes you are paying GREAT $$ to eat out and YES you should be able to enjoy it. However, if you do not stop to figure out the problem by asking what the real issue is the next customer will suffer the same also. Be responsible and take action. Be open and honest. If have yet to ask for a manager and it go badly! But if you wait till the end your meal is OVER and so is the fun of dining out! I once was eating at the Cooker (long since gone) and the service was BEYOND horrible. One of the guys I was with was so upset about the service that he left him zero tip! Being the person I am I left a double tip but I put a note on the tap that read "sorry my friend left you no tip, hope your day gets better." Not sure what ever happened to that guy but sometimes I think people need to know and understand the issue before it can be fixed.

Ok, well as for the tricks...I am a lover of dining out but with style and ease of use.

My #1 favorite trick is . Oh how I adore this site!! I can make reservations ANYWHERE in the US and I am guaranteed that I will walk in and be seated WHEN I request and I earn points AND there is no $$ involved from me! It is FREE and I even have the OT app on my blackberry! Jeff and I dined at the #6 rated HOT SPOT in DC for New Years Eve thanks to OpenTable when there had been a waiting list for over 3 weeks when I requested a reservation! So very cool!

Next is and my little savings tools. These are great for buying BIG DISCOUNT gift certificates. Some have lots of restrictions and some have none! I also enjoy my entertainment book and my zoo book, yes I do have both :)!! I also have used for local places!

I am a HUGE fan of not having to pay for my KIDS to eat so I go to or to to see what deals they have! And, there are some GREAT deals not listed so call your favorite place and see when their kids-eat-free night is!!

Well, that is all I have for you right now. I have 4 reviews I need to post and I will try to do it by Friday this week. Please share if you have a great dining tip. And no, telling me to stay at home and cook is NOT an option :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it Kristi, please keep writing. I totally with you on the tipping. I was a waitress during my college years and there was nothing like having a crappy tip. If you don't want to pay the tip then just don't get sit down service. Eat fast food. You should always tip a minimum of 15%-20% of the bill. And by the way some of the worst tippers wore the people who just got of Sunday morning service. Thanks for all your other tips.
